Our business services are the fields in which we have worked with pleasure and passion throughout our entire professional life. In our subject areas there lies skill, competence, commitment and a heart and soul. The job, delivering high performance and further professional development is easy if we enjoy doing it. Therefore it is important to know oneself well.
Our world changes daily, the better we know ourselves and our potentials, the easier we cope with change.
Individual Coaching
You are looking for support in a private or professional area that is of concern to you, or would like to develop yourself further?
We are happy to guide you on your way with heart and intellect. We provide impulses and encouragement for your own development within the framework of a structured and appreciative coaching process.
We adhere to the ethical principles of the ECA (European Coaching Association).
Strengths based Leadership
Companies whose employees can live out their strengths are significantly more successful. This is an important reason to engage with strength-based leadership in order to get to know and use the strengths of your employees. Gallup's StrenghtsFinder forms the basis.
We provide you with competent support so that you discover your talents and can develop your team on the basis of strengths.
Team Development
"If you want to achieve a goal quickly, go alone - if you want to achieve many things long-term, work together"
Team development has many facets. Often a competent external support is the key to form an efficient team in the long run. Talk to us about a tailor-made intervention or coaching.
Training + Education
Providing professional experience in seminars requires didactic competence and experience in working with groups.
As trainers and lecturers we work locally and globally. We are happy to adapt our offer to your special requirements and needs.
Project Management
is the consistent implementation of your business strategy. This requires precise goals, sound planning, clear communication as well as controls and optimizations where necessary.
Whether PMI, IPMA, Hermes - all project methods are based on the same process understanding.
We help you to ensure that project goals are achieved.
ICT Consulting
Sometimes the core of an ICT project is lost because of all the technical details or it is difficult to deduce the requirements or to find an effective way of implementation.
Feasibility, introducing products, advising customers with ICT / digitization needs and leading them into concrete measures. We are ready to put over 20 years of experience at your service.
Business Development
Rapid prototyping of new ideas, letting employees see through the "customer's eyes" and raising awarenss for their own products and services to present them more customer-oriented are only some aspects in our approach.
We consistently focus on the creation of value for our customers and take you on this journey. We use the Business Model Canvas (Alexander Osterwalder "Business Model Generation") as our model.
Business Model YOU
What is your personal "value proposition"?
Do you know what values you offer in your company? What skills, talents and strengths do you have and how can you make the most of them? Don't let your life and career be taken out of your hands. Learn how the world of work can adapt to you. Because it is your life, your career, your game!
We would be happy to work with you to develop your own personal "business model".
The wingwave method is a performance and emotion coaching that leads the coachee noticeably and quickly in a few sessions to the reduction of performance stress and to the increase of creativity, mental fitness and conflict stability. This effect is achieved through a seemingly simple basic intervention within the framework of a professional and structured process.
Learn more in this video or contact us for a personal briefing..